Quality Aftermarket: O.E.M. 6-volt Bulb w/ Ring, Double Contact
Fits: many Oliver models. Verify specifications for your specific application.
Double contact If you have the aftermarket light STP # JJAB336, JJOL053, JJOL055, JJOL073 or JJOL074 see bulb # JJIH354 for 6 volt or JJIH436 for 12 volt.
Replacement Numbers
Fits: many Oliver models. Verify specifications for your specific application.
Double contact If you have the aftermarket light STP # JJAB336, JJOL053, JJOL055, JJOL073 or JJOL074 see bulb # JJIH354 for 6 volt or JJIH436 for 12 volt.
Replacement Numbers